Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

2 thoughts on “The Ego, Shadow Work

  1. just a share, but when i go inside, go into the part of my awareness where the words no longer much exist, i see this differently…

    as in wonder, why allow a word to define for us a meaning vs do the inner work to assign meaning to the word that best matches the inner meaning we want to express…

    like with the word ego, do we allow our unresolved fears to control us such that we accept an existing definition/belief, or do we resolve these fears and consider what real to us meaning might be best represented by the word/label box that is, for example, ego…

    because seems that here a fear-based definition/belief about what is ego is driving this notion that we need to, must, transition out of the lower-mind, the yang side of our inner opposite, that unresolved fear is what is motivating us to find answers thru separation instead of doing our due diligence to resolve our fears, find inner unity…

    unresolved fears about how the lower-mind has become darkly over-dominant, over dominant due to dark nurture that we need to overcome, dark nurture which has hidden from us the knowledge of what is our natural self…

    our natural self which dynamically births forth within our inner relationship between, the inner marriage/union of our yin/yang inner opposites, the lower-mind/masculine/yang and the higher-mind/feminine/yin aspects of who we are…

    that instead of an healthy inner union we more experience awareness as the unhealthy lack of this inner relationship between, a lack that typically has our yang side over dominant and our yin side mostly in shadow/unconscious, such that we need to fully honor our yang side as we accept that it is not the all that we are while allowing into full consciousness our yin side aspect…

    like why the fear-based assumption that it has to be an either/or…

    1. Hey Rylan,
      Thank you for your comment and insights.
      I agree with your opinion and this article doesn’t intend to label anything. However, fear and ego often go hand in hand.
      Healing is never black and white and there are many ways to go about it. Like your opinion, this article is addressing one way.

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