Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


Healing 4 min read
Most people are unaware of what they create by their actions and reactions. Trauma is a direct result of this unconscious behavior. By cutting ties... Read More
Each human being is cosmically influenced by energies. You can use these energies to consciously create better experiences. When you know that Mercury is in retrograde you might want to adjust your plans and choices to fit the energies and to make them work in your favor.  Another example is the solar logos which are the sun’s influences on humanity. It is the celestial force of light that brings healing, and transformation. The solar logos are a trinity – a triangle of purple, blue, and gold. It is an active and creative force. Energies associated with a metal (gold, silver, bronze) are a combination of the Earth’s and the Universe’s energies. Gold energy is pure and it symbolizes the sun... Read More
Change will eventually come, usually when you relax into a new idea without pressure from the outside world. By removing the ego wanting and needing you can stay clear from false expectations and disappointments. Why is this important? The spiritual journey, especially in the beginning, asks for many changes. Inner turmoil creates a desire to change old habits and create better and more beneficial ones. Many times people welcome triggers for they show where the attention needs to go for problem solving. By practicing awareness, having healthy habits and a spiritual practice of any kind we expand our horizon, break through barriers and evolve faster. You’ll become authentic and liberated from a conditioned and restricted world!... Read More
The human soul is a creation of the energies that come from its sun or the moon. The moon is a previous incarnation of the earth and when it died its energies vibrated at a lower frequency. These energies are important and influential to mankind. Spiritually, the moon is home to many species that vibrate at low and dense frequencies as well. The snake, a reptilian crossbreed, symbolizes the rise out of the animal mind and into the individual, thinking man.... Read More
This entire decade is devoted to bring balance between the masculine and the feminine aspects of humanity. It is purely spiritual and has nothing to do with the physical and sexual aspects. Balancing these two energies will increase the frequency and vibration and bring light into the world. Trust, strength, wisdom, love, and peace among mankind will be restored.... Read More
Energy penetrates all that has consciousness and consciousness is what makes creation possible. Your soul essence is coming into being and will blossom. This process took millions of years and it has finally arrived. The creation of time gave humanity the understanding of soul evolution on a small scale. Now that humanity is venturing outside of its lower self it is entering the next phase of its evolution which is that of the soul. At this point, there is no turning back and everything standing in its way will have to go. You have a choice to go with the flow or to swim the other way which will be a painful experience.... Read More