Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


Each human being is cosmically influenced by energies. You can use these energies to consciously create better experiences. When you know that Mercury is in retrograde you might want to adjust your plans and choices to fit the energies and to make them work in your favor.  Another example is the solar logos which are the sun’s influences on humanity. It is the celestial force of light that brings healing, and transformation. The solar logos are a trinity – a triangle of purple, blue, and gold. It is an active and creative force. Energies associated with a metal (gold, silver, bronze) are a combination of the Earth’s and the Universe’s energies. Gold energy is pure and it symbolizes the sun... Read More
Change will eventually come, usually when you relax into a new idea without pressure from the outside world. By removing the ego wanting and needing you can stay clear from false expectations and disappointments. Why is this important? The spiritual journey, especially in the beginning, asks for many changes. Inner turmoil creates a desire to change old habits and create better and more beneficial ones. Many times people welcome triggers for they show where the attention needs to go for problem solving. By practicing awareness, having healthy habits and a spiritual practice of any kind we expand our horizon, break through barriers and evolve faster. You’ll become authentic and liberated from a conditioned and restricted world!... Read More
Every being is connected to the same consciousness and every being carries the creative energy within. This includes spirits, dark forces, demons, galactic beings with or without forms, and human beings. Dark Forces have an undeveloped consciousness and resonate with low frequencies. They need more time to evolve to eventually become a light being. Mankind finds itself somewhere in the middle of this evolution.... Read More
The third distinct world is the immaterial world called the Arupa-Loka. The sub-realms of this world are called the formless realms. the inhabitants are possessed entirely of mind and have no physical body or location. You may have heard the following statement: The universe is mental, which refers to the Arupa-Loka. The beings in this world don't interact with the rest of the universe and they are unable to hear Buddha's teachings. They achieve these levels by staying formless in a previous life. They will enjoy the fruits of good karma for a period of time and are then reborn in the lower planes for a new cycle of reincarnation. ... Read More
You attract what you think about most and manifest things through the use of language. Everything inside and around you is energy. Thoughts, language, sounds, numbers, and words all have their unique frequency and vibration. Cussing is often related to fear and anger. The energies of these words are thick and heavy in frequency and vibration. Often times, people regret what they said during an argument because at that time they weren't aware of what they were creating. You surround yourself and create with love when you speak from the heart. By how you choose your words you either positively influence a life or not. This is how powerful the use of language can be. After all, it's called SPELling for a reason.... Read More
The world is a reflection of how you feel and express yourself. If you have a lot of fear you’ll see much anger, injustice, and negativity within and around you. Your experience of life can be magical when your heart is filled with love. You’ll see love and magic in all beings. Mankind is given the choice to either embrace love or to embrace the darkness with its fear programming. Most of you are choosing love and what you are seeing in the world is this fear programming fighting for its survival. Always trust your intuition to guide you to truth.... Read More
The back porch looked out into a field of cattle corn, and as I sipped my morning coffee, I caught a glimpse of a civil war soldier fighting his way through this field. It had been a while since I saw him last, unlike mine, his story never changed. He fought for the confederacy, found great opposition, and a bullet with his name on it. It had plunged into his side and caused enough damage to make any man drop to his knees. But the rushing adrenaline kept him motivated to raise his rifled-musket and to repay the enemy the favor. He was devoted to keep the old ways old. This soldier remained oblivious to a changed world where the south had buckled down to the north, where slavery was abolished, and where democracy was restored to its intended purpose. Tennessee had moved on but had left its ghosts behind.... Read More
Can you imagine a world where everyone has all the information and tools necessary to evolve? Now imagine that you already have everything you need and you find it by going within. This knowledge will be revealed when you connect with the higher mind which is also called the soul's consciousness. An army of earth angels already share spiritual insights and they are assisting in the global awakening by offering spiritual knowledge to the curious souls. Eventually these insights will bring understanding that leads to an awakening of the spirit.... Read More
Within the physical realm are dimensions that vibrate in specific frequencies which can be low or high. Beings from the 9th dimension vibrate in higher frequencies transcending the density of the earth but they are still part of the physical realm. The reality on the "New Earth" is perceived differently via a new perspective which is that of the soul. A physical body will be optional. Fasting is good to do because it prepares your body to receive higher frequencies. The human brain uses wavelengths that are like ripples of energy traveling the universe. Consciousness translates this energy and makes communication with other beings possible. The density of the physical realm is why you don't see many galactic beings walking around in their natural form. They cannot adjust to the earth's frequencies.... Read More