Fri. Feb 21st, 2025
Life changing events and encounters often happen to fulfill karmic and individual soul contracts. These events are part of the karmic cycle, and they usually occur during the first part of one's life. Most people are unaware of their authentic self and their spiritual gifts and abilities. They are stuck inside an illusion that keeps them bound to the karmic cycle of this physical reality.... Read More
This entire decade is devoted to bring balance between the masculine and the feminine aspects of humanity. It is purely spiritual and has nothing to do with the physical and sexual aspects. Balancing these two energies will increase the frequency and vibration and bring light into the world. Trust, strength, wisdom, love, and peace among mankind will be restored.... Read More
Solar rays will bring a huge change in the consciousness field, awakening people to their spiritual connection with their higher-self. These changes have not gone unnoticed by your galactic neighbors and increased UFO activity has been seen and reported by many. Other civilizations are coming to the Earth to help humanity during their transition into the spiritual consciousness. 333 (3/3/2019) is the activation code of the soul consciousness needed to establish the soul kingdom on Earth. Like all energy activations, this will come in waves and with birth pains.... Read More
The coming waves will bring about a jolt of energy and awaken more individuals. The main function of energy waves is to give strength and energy to those who are awakening. They are sparks of energy filled with knowledge and it will help mankind's transition out of the mind and into the soul consciousness. Some of these waves are stronger than others and this one is strong. Those of you who are already awakened won't be affected as much by these energies. When you are spiritually balanced in the body your chakras will work like a filter and distribute incoming energies all around your body and energy field. This equal distribution won't shake your core each time new waves come in. A spiritual practice will cause these energies to be accepted and to become a normal part of your experience... Read More
We are in December and the 12 12 portal is soon going to be activated. This portal will open a path to awareness and it's asking you to pay close attention to your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. People open their hearts and share love during this time of the year. It is the highest form of energy that a human can harness and give to another. The end of the year also signifies the end of an era as you are moving into a new decade. This decade will bring many discoveries about humanities history. You are a star seed and guided every step of the way.... Read More
The spiritual awakening is a process of elimination. By trusting this journey you will learn to let go of behaviors, social constructs, beliefs, restrictions, and the ego. The ego doesn't magically lose its grip but as you become authentic it will change its purpose to serve instead of to control. You can tell the ego to leave you alone. A meditation and breathing practice will silence the ego. Keep repeating this practice until you're in control of your thoughts and behaviors.... Read More
In many spiritual communities you hear people talk about how our physical world is changing by the incoming waves of energy. Do you experience and feel that as well? Most of you read about it and resonate with this information, but not everyone receives specific knowledge about the influences of energy on our planet and humanity. Keep in mind that when a medium still has much inner work to do the information they receive is often incomplete because of ego’s interference. Very likely the ego is rooted in a belief structure influenced by some expression of fear. Know your source of information and who you listen to.... Read More
We are one and no one is above or below someone else. However, governments infiltrated every layer of society in an attempt to control mankind and deplete the riches of the land. People are starting to see through these concepts and are growing increasingly aware of the elite and what they are doing to our society. Many of you are receiving messages from spirit that tell us that the elite will fall. It's hard to prove inner truths, but they can't be denied to the one receiving the knowledge. You undeniably know it in your inner being when you resonate with truth. With the creation of your spirit a seed was planted which is called the soul consciousness. No one can tell you or prevent you from tapping into your inner knowing. It is in you and it will always be there. The path to inner wisdom is discovered when you raise in frequency and vibration making it possible for you to hear the wisdom logos... Read More
Having a spiritually balanced life after you experienced an awakening can be challenging depending on where you live and who is around you at all times. When people frown upon your beliefs it can keep you from reaching your full potential, especially when you are new to the spiritual path. Some people are not spiritual at all. Some people believe what everyone else tells them without challenging this so called truth. Others claim that their religion and spiritual views are righteous and judge whoever doesn't join these views. We all live in our own reality created by our surroundings which we perceive with a certain awareness. Every one of us has a role to play in the big picture that we call life. At some point you may find yourself at a crossroad having to choose to stay or to go against everything that you were taught.... Read More
Energy penetrates all that has consciousness and consciousness is what makes creation possible. Your soul essence is coming into being and will blossom. This process took millions of years and it has finally arrived. The creation of time gave humanity the understanding of soul evolution on a small scale. Now that humanity is venturing outside of its lower self it is entering the next phase of its evolution which is that of the soul. At this point, there is no turning back and everything standing in its way will have to go. You have a choice to go with the flow or to swim the other way which will be a painful experience.... Read More