Wed. Oct 16th, 2024
The veil that separates dimensions will drop enabling everyone to see and interact with each other. A full activation of your spiritual DNA and psychic abilities will take place just as it would if you were in the spiritual realm. It is already happening to people who experience a consciousness awakening. You create your own reality and you also create your fear. You have a choice to focus on love. The seed that you water will grow. Collectively, mankind will leave the low frequencies when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. As in all things, it is a process.... Read More
Every being is connected to the same consciousness and every being carries the creative energy within. This includes spirits, dark forces, demons, galactic beings with or without forms, and human beings. Dark Forces have an undeveloped consciousness and resonate with low frequencies. They need more time to evolve to eventually become a light being. Mankind finds itself somewhere in the middle of this evolution.... Read More
The Pleiadians are always curious and interested to help anyone who has awakened their consciousness. They also want you to know how you were created. They give this information through channeled messages. You can tell when a message is true when they hold the highest frequencies of love and when it resonates. There can be a lot of confusion and misunderstanding when you still have to work through a lot of ego related problems... Read More
The Draconian are a Reptilian race that infiltrated the earth’s wealthiest societies, governments, and religious systems. They prefer to keep mankind unaware of its galactic inheritance by keeping them stuck in the matrix. As many of you know, the matrix is a social conditioning designed to keep people from practicing critical thinking and establishing a connection with their higher-self and spirits and beings of all kinds. The Draconian use the “Elite” as a pawn for their amusement enticing them with scientific knowledge.... Read More
The third distinct world is the immaterial world called the Arupa-Loka. The sub-realms of this world are called the formless realms. the inhabitants are possessed entirely of mind and have no physical body or location. You may have heard the following statement: The universe is mental, which refers to the Arupa-Loka. The beings in this world don't interact with the rest of the universe and they are unable to hear Buddha's teachings. They achieve these levels by staying formless in a previous life. They will enjoy the fruits of good karma for a period of time and are then reborn in the lower planes for a new cycle of reincarnation. ... Read More
You attract what you think about most and manifest things through the use of language. Everything inside and around you is energy. Thoughts, language, sounds, numbers, and words all have their unique frequency and vibration. Cussing is often related to fear and anger. The energies of these words are thick and heavy in frequency and vibration. Often times, people regret what they said during an argument because at that time they weren't aware of what they were creating. You surround yourself and create with love when you speak from the heart. By how you choose your words you either positively influence a life or not. This is how powerful the use of language can be. After all, it's called SPELling for a reason.... Read More
The earth has been going through the ascension process for a long time now. Lemuria and Atlantis are a few examples of civilizations that went through transformations together with the earth's. An astral form of planet earth was created when she shifted into the frequencies of the physical dimension. This unseen realm, called the spiritual realm, is connected and entwined with the physical. Before this shift, all life, including spirits, were visible. This visibility changed when the Atlantean’s started experimenting with soul essence (consciousness) and combined these energies with spirit, creating new life forms. To protect their essence, spirit created a veil that would hide them from view. In turn, a human soul created a spirit to protect itself and you are its current physical manifestation. ... Read More
The world is a reflection of how you feel and express yourself. If you have a lot of fear you’ll see much anger, injustice, and negativity within and around you. Your experience of life can be magical when your heart is filled with love. You’ll see love and magic in all beings. Mankind is given the choice to either embrace love or to embrace the darkness with its fear programming. Most of you are choosing love and what you are seeing in the world is this fear programming fighting for its survival. Always trust your intuition to guide you to truth.... Read More