Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Chakra

Mani = Jewel

Pura = Place, City

Each time that you judge or criticize you deplete the solar plexus chakra and weaken your willpower. Practicing love and acceptance strengthens and builds up the Manipura chakra.

The solar plexus, Manipura Chakra or also called the 3rd chakra:

  • Located between the navel and the solar plexus. It’s the core of our personality, identity and ego
  • Center of willpower. It’s also about the perception of who you are. It is also the center of vitality. It controls our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health. This chakra acts like a magnet, attracting life force energy (prana) from the cosmos
  • The gift of this chakra is sensing personal power, being confident, responsible and reliable
  • The solar plexus is the center of self-esteem, will power, self-discipline and warmth in your personality
  • The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement
  • The challenge of this chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced way by consciously harnessing its energy. Be proactive rather than reactive or inactive


  • It regulates the functions of the pancreas and digestive organs
  • Blockages in this center can cause digestive disorders, circulatory disease, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure
  • A strong and active Manipura supports good health and helps to overcome many illnesses. When its energy flows unrestricted it supplies vitality and brings balance and strength
  • Excessive third chakra energy reacts to life circumstances, have emotional outbursts and often feeling stressed out
  • When blocked or deficient people are passive and inactive. These people allow life to pass by while doing nothing about it
  • A strong chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It also reflects the ability to make conscious choices and the choice to act

General information

  • The message of this chakra is that you have the power to choose
  • Mantra = Ram
  • When our consciousness has reached the Manipura chakra we have overcome the negative aspects of svadhisthana. The Svadhisthana or sacral chakra is the 2nd primary chakra. This chakra is blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. Opening this chakra can boost creativity, manifested desire and confidence.
  • The qualities of the Manipura chakra are clarity, self-confidence, bliss, self-assurance, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make the right decisions.
  • Color is Yellow
  • The animal representing the Manipura is the Ram 
  • Elements Fire, hence why it is called the fire or sun center. The fire element manifests in the solar plexus as heat
  • When activated, the Manipura chakra releases negative energies and purifies and strengthens your vitality

Symbolism: The lotus of the Manipura chakra has 10 petals which represents the ten pranas. These ten pranas are vital forces that control and nourishes all functions of the human body. Another symbol pictured with the Manipura chakra is a triangle with its tip pointed downward. This indicates the spreading of energy, growth and development

Divinities associated with this chakra are Vishnu and Lakshmi. Vishnu symbolizes the evolving human consciousness that no longer contains animal characteristics. Goddess Lakshmi represents material and spiritual prosperity.