Dark Forces, 1212 Portal
Dark Forces
As you walk the spiritual path you will also encounter dark forces. They are different kinds of entities who need low frequencies and vibrations to harness its energies to sustain their being. It gives them a sense of power and control.
Dark forces can be relentless when it comes to sucking your energy when you are unprotected. This can make you feel lethargic and give you an increased need to sleep. When you’re unaware of this it can last for months. Life altering events can cause you to become vulnerable to attack. Dark forces not only use energy but they can also attach themselves to land and property.
Place a protection shield around yourself, your home, your vehicle, and your land by using visualization. You can use gold energy and ask spirits help to place these shields. By doing so the forces are pushed away and their attachments are removed. Gold energy is very powerful, clear, and cleansing. Repeat placing the shield in the morning right after waking up and before you go to bed.
12-12 Portal
The numbers 1 and 2 are letting you know that spirit wants your attention so that they can give you messages. When you see these numbers it is also letting you know that you are on the right path and that you need to focus on your task at hand.
We are in December and the 12 12 portal is soon going to be activated. This portal will open a path to awareness and it’s asking you to pay close attention to your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. People open their hearts and share love during this time of the year. It is the highest form of energy that a human can harness and give to another. The end of the year also signifies the end of an era as you are moving into a new decade. This decade will bring many discoveries about humanities history. You are a star seed and guided every step of the way.
The energies of December are strong as they bring closure. Capricorn is asking you to climb the ladder called ascension and leave the old as you enter the new. Times of chaos but also filled with beauty will come your way. Focus on the beauty and it will help you through the coming years. Those who refuse to embrace their spirituality and authentic self will go through suffering in order to awaken their spirit. Be there for these people and do this freely by teaching them the spiritual ways. All spiritual teachers and healers are asked to do this.
The 12 12 portal will open up spiritual communications and they’ll be available to all souls including the un-awakened ones. They can connect by meditating and finding the stillness within.
The spiritual movement will bring more changes by offering television shows, podcasts, channeling’s, blogs, and other ways. This movement will grow because so many of you are doing your part in the ascension. Don’t fear the coming changes for they will lay the foundation for the collective to awaken.
The spiritual journey will ask you to fully embrace your authentic self and you do this by breaking through and letting go of social conditioning. Many of you feel called to come out in the open and share your insights regardless of what others might think of you. People who are meant to stay in your life will be there and others will fall away. By sharing your knowledge you will become authentic.