Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Chakras, Kundalini, Nadis


Our 7 main chakras correspond with the 7 layers of our energy field. Each Chakra wavelength corresponds with a frequency and vibration.  

The seven main chakras

  • Muladhara = Root chakra – Red – Wavelength 625-740 Frequency 400-484
  • Swadhisthana = Sacral chakra – Orange – Wave 590-625  Frequency 484-508
  • Manipura = Solar plexus chakra – Yellow – Wave 565-590  Frequency 508-526
  • Anahata = Heart chakra – Green – Wave 520-565  Frequency 526-606
  • Vishuddhi = Throat chakra – Blue – Wave 500-520  Frequency 606-670
  • Aagya = Third eye or Brow chakra – Indigo – Wave 435-500 Frequency 670-700
  • Sahasrara = Crown chakra – Violet – Wave 380-435  Frequency 700-789

In total there are 15 chakras inside your energy field. These additional 8 chakras are just as important as the 7 most known chakras.

From top to bottom these eight chakras are

  1. God’s Head – stimulates higher consciousness, located 12 inches above the crown chakra
  2. Soul Star – Connection with the Universe and the higher-self
  3. Pineal gland – Seat of consciousness, spirit communication and connection with other realms
  4. Cerebellum – Back of the neck, well of dreams, creative ideas, soul contracts
  5. Thymus – Higher heart chakra, connects the heart energies to your words
  6. Sacred Heart – expands consciousness and feelings of unconditional love
  7. Core Star – Study of the soul and esoteric knowledge, soul-purpose
  8. Earth Star – 12 to 18 inches – beneath your feet. Its energies connect you with the Earth.
Kundalini and Nadis

There are a variety of names and references to the kundalini such as Kundal or Shaya.
The most important Vedic deity associated with the kundalini is Agni and Surya. Agni is the Kundalini energy and Surya is the kundalini in its triumph or full awakening. Surya is the kundalini having moved to the crown chakra and it is the source of all Shakti. Shakti is referenced as the sun hidden and revealed in the Vedic journey.

In our subtle body there’s a network of channels known as Nadis. Their function is to distribute energy throughout our body. Three Nadis are considered the most important and they are the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.

The Ida is the left channel, feminine energy or Yin element, and associated with lunar energy. This Nadi originates in the root chakra and ends up in the left nostril. It refers to the right hemisphere of the brain and controls the mental process.

The Pingala is the right channel, masculine energy or Yang element, and associated with solar energy. This Nadi originate in the root chakra and ends up in the right nostril. It refers to the left hemisphere of the brain and controls the vital process.

The Sushumna is the central channel and runs down the central axis of the body through the spinal cord. It is associated with both nostrils being open and free to the passage of air. This Nadi connects the root chakra to the crown chakra and makes way for the kundalini to rise. Within the Sushumna are three more subtle nadis called Vajra, Chitrini, and the Brahma nadi through which the Kundalini energy moves.

The Kundalini is the divine cosmic energy which is also called the power of pure intelligence.

To experience a spiritual awakening is to experience the rise of Kundalini. It’s venomous when stagnate and like honey when awakened.

The Earth's Chakras
  • Root Chakra – Mt. Shasta, California. Color red.
  • Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca Peru also includes Machu Picchu. Color orange.        
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Australia (twin monolithic sites). Color Golden/Yellow.
  • Heart Chakra – Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England. Color green/pink
  • Throat Chakra – The great Pyramid, Mt. Sinai, and Mt. of Olives, Middle East. Color blue.
  • Third Eye Chakra – This chakra shifts every 150-200 years. Moves 1-12th of the way around the world westward at the dawning of every new eon.  Currently it coincides with the world chakra in Western Europe. Color Purple/Indigo.
  • Crown (7th) Chakra – Mt. Kailas, Himalayan Mountains, Tibet. Color White

 Each of these chakras have a heightened electromagnetic field.