Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Spirituality and every day life


Within the awakening consciousness are many different levels. Some souls have a stronger connection to source than others. Some people have experienced an incomplete awakening where the kundalini energy hasn’t risen and lays stagnate. The kundalini is needed to establish a connection with spirit. Some people have this naturally and often since birth. The kundalini energy can only rise when there is no longer any emotional attachments to the physical realm. How can you do this? By surrendering to the moment and accepting all as it is, free from judgment and free from ego. Prior to being able to surrender most people have already worked on inner healing and resolving blockages. As in all things, spiritual healing and awakening the consciousness is a process.... Read More
Inner healing. When you say to yourself I want to be happy use intentions to make it so. Visualize feeling happy and do something to match that frequency. You could play happy music or do anything that brings love and joy. This practice will resolve any attachments to low frequencies and replace it with love, which is the highest frequencies that you can experience. You are not your emotions and this means that you can raise your vibration by doing something that makes you feel good.... Read More
Facing fears 3 min read
Facing my fears is a biggie that I am working through as I enjoy this journey. One fear that popped up was self-judgment. I’m very critical of my behavior and how I portray myself to the outside world. It’s almost as if I’m subconsciously trying to sabotage my happiness by making excuses about my appearance before anyone else could do so. Rationally speaking I would say that it’s a ridiculous thought to have. Still, it was there. Through meditation and visualization I was able to bring this fear into my consciousness field and release it for healing and transmutation. It’s a practice I do whenever I’m confronted with something that needs to be healed. It is part of my inner-healing practice that works very well for me. I write about these things on my spiritual blogs.... Read More
The motivation to achieve “the best version of myself” came when the scale tipped 237 pounds. No longer could I deny that I needed to make a change. I was huffing and puffing after walking down to the mailbox. I thought that it was ridiculous for a 42-year-old woman to be so out of shape. This wasn’t how I wanted to grow old and, possibly, develop cancer or some other horrible decease. Granted that there are no guarantees to have a life without illness you can sure try to make it as healthy as you can. And so my mission to having a happy and healthy lifestyle started.... Read More
I hardly show anything personal on my social profiles even though I’ve dedicated myself to writing about spirituality on a blog and website. The internet offers much freedom yet it can also limit you when you're influenced by those around you. There is still much judgment out there and it is up to you to be influenced by the opinions of others or to say that, in the grand picture of all, it is bullshit. In the end everything is subjective. Opinions are fleeting like starlight in the midnight sky and they offer a perspective according to an individual consciousness. Nonetheless, feeling free to voice your opinion can be a huge hill to climb when you're influenced by the outside world. Many of you have so much to say but are still holding back. The time is here to change that!... Read More
Life changing events and encounters often happen to fulfill karmic and individual soul contracts. These events are part of the karmic cycle, and they usually occur during the first part of one's life. Most people are unaware of their authentic self and their spiritual gifts and abilities. They are stuck inside an illusion that keeps them bound to the karmic cycle of this physical reality.... Read More
We are in December and the 12 12 portal is soon going to be activated. This portal will open a path to awareness and it's asking you to pay close attention to your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. People open their hearts and share love during this time of the year. It is the highest form of energy that a human can harness and give to another. The end of the year also signifies the end of an era as you are moving into a new decade. This decade will bring many discoveries about humanities history. You are a star seed and guided every step of the way.... Read More
The spiritual awakening is a process of elimination. By trusting this journey you will learn to let go of behaviors, social constructs, beliefs, restrictions, and the ego. The ego doesn't magically lose its grip but as you become authentic it will change its purpose to serve instead of to control. You can tell the ego to leave you alone. A meditation and breathing practice will silence the ego. Keep repeating this practice until you're in control of your thoughts and behaviors.... Read More
In many spiritual communities you hear people talk about how our physical world is changing by the incoming waves of energy. Do you experience and feel that as well? Most of you read about it and resonate with this information, but not everyone receives specific knowledge about the influences of energy on our planet and humanity. Keep in mind that when a medium still has much inner work to do the information they receive is often incomplete because of ego’s interference. Very likely the ego is rooted in a belief structure influenced by some expression of fear. Know your source of information and who you listen to.... Read More