Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

1 thought on “Balance masculine and feminine energy

  1. agree about releasing and transcending beyond the socially induced gender role expectations that have clearly proven not to serve us well, that have darkly nurtured us into a compromised dis-empowered either/or mindset…

    agree that both sexes have both a contrasting yin/feminine/Eros/wisdom/relatedness and a male/yang/Logos/knowledge/differentiation vantage perspective of awareness, that we are a co-product of this inner relationship between at least to the degree we are not more a shadowed/compromised/dis-empowered by-product of the lack of this inner relationship between…

    however disagree that we are a co-product/by-product of equal amounts of masculine and feminine energies in that at least within the typical/norm that women and men by nature have a perceivable pattern of divergent competency, that we are not psychologically androgynous…

    so would contend instead that the yin form tends to be somewhat more robust/centered within the yin aspect and the yang form tends to be somewhat more robust/centered within the yang aspect…

    that this is what natures uses to draw us together, allows for the potential anyway for couples to form a conscious union within the contrast/tension of their divergent competencies, that within this contrast/tension a couple can experience, can birth forth within, a level of awareness greater than what either alone would ever be able to experience…

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