Leo stands in a unique relationship to the sun at the heart of our solar system. The planetary and systemic alignment established at this Festival... Read More
When enough people wake up and use their multi-sensory perception the global consciousness will shift from the dark ages into the light and a new earth is created. Intentions based in fear attract darkness and negativity. It doesn't have to be like this. You can break free from karma by shifting your intentions from fear to love. ... Read More
Within the physical realm are dimensions that vibrate in specific frequencies which can be low or high. Beings from the 9th dimension vibrate in higher frequencies transcending the density of the earth but they are still part of the physical realm. The reality on the "New Earth" is perceived differently via a new perspective which is that of the soul. A physical body will be optional. Fasting is good to do because it prepares your body to receive higher frequencies. The human brain uses wavelengths that are like ripples of energy traveling the universe. Consciousness translates this energy and makes communication with other beings possible. The density of the physical realm is why you don't see many galactic beings walking around in their natural form. They cannot adjust to the earth's frequencies.... Read More
Downloads People react differently when they receive information from spirit that they are unaware of, which is also called a download. The crown chakra functions... Read More
Empathy The energy rays raining down on us are subtle and empathic people can sense them because of their heightened awareness to change. Those who... Read More
Spiritual knowledge is sacred and its teachings can be used in two ways, to do good or to do bad. No experience is wasted but life doesn’t have to be filled with suffering, and sadness. Even traumatic events are used for a purpose and can function as a much needed wake-up-call to bring you out of a situation. You have a choice to do good or to inflict harm. What do you choose?... Read More