Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


Writer, Lightworker, Medium
Each human being is cosmically influenced by energies. You can use these energies to consciously create better experiences. When you know that Mercury is in retrograde you might want to adjust your plans and choices to fit the energies and to make them work in your favor.  Another example is the solar logos which are the sun’s influences on humanity. It is the celestial force of light that brings healing, and transformation. The solar logos are a trinity – a triangle of purple, blue, and gold. It is an active and creative force. Energies associated with a metal (gold, silver, bronze) are a combination of the Earth’s and the Universe’s energies. Gold energy is pure and it symbolizes the sun... Read More
Within the awakening consciousness are many different levels. Some souls have a stronger connection to source than others. Some people have experienced an incomplete awakening where the kundalini energy hasn’t risen and lays stagnate. The kundalini is needed to establish a connection with spirit. Some people have this naturally and often since birth. The kundalini energy can only rise when there is no longer any emotional attachments to the physical realm. How can you do this? By surrendering to the moment and accepting all as it is, free from judgment and free from ego. Prior to being able to surrender most people have already worked on inner healing and resolving blockages. As in all things, spiritual healing and awakening the consciousness is a process.... Read More
Inner healing. When you say to yourself I want to be happy use intentions to make it so. Visualize feeling happy and do something to match that frequency. You could play happy music or do anything that brings love and joy. This practice will resolve any attachments to low frequencies and replace it with love, which is the highest frequencies that you can experience. You are not your emotions and this means that you can raise your vibration by doing something that makes you feel good.... Read More
Change will eventually come, usually when you relax into a new idea without pressure from the outside world. By removing the ego wanting and needing you can stay clear from false expectations and disappointments. Why is this important? The spiritual journey, especially in the beginning, asks for many changes. Inner turmoil creates a desire to change old habits and create better and more beneficial ones. Many times people welcome triggers for they show where the attention needs to go for problem solving. By practicing awareness, having healthy habits and a spiritual practice of any kind we expand our horizon, break through barriers and evolve faster. You’ll become authentic and liberated from a conditioned and restricted world!... Read More
Consciously working on inner healing enables the body to release fear and anger. Being unapologetically authentic enables you to successfully achieve your soul mission and purpose in life. An unhealthy ego creates an imbalance to your energy field. Once triggers and attachments are resolved you can focus on healing past life experiences. But first you’ll need to remove all the emotional crap that is standing in your way. Often people will say or do things that stir up unpleasant memories and activate deep seated pain. So many people feel lost and don’t know who they are. Traumatic experiences can be so overwhelming that you can feel disconnected with life and far removed from love.... Read More
The veil that separates dimensions will drop enabling everyone to see and interact with each other. A full activation of your spiritual DNA and psychic abilities will take place just as it would if you were in the spiritual realm. It is already happening to people who experience a consciousness awakening. You create your own reality and you also create your fear. You have a choice to focus on love. The seed that you water will grow. Collectively, mankind will leave the low frequencies when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. As in all things, it is a process.... Read More
Every being is connected to the same consciousness and every being carries the creative energy within. This includes spirits, dark forces, demons, galactic beings with or without forms, and human beings. Dark Forces have an undeveloped consciousness and resonate with low frequencies. They need more time to evolve to eventually become a light being. Mankind finds itself somewhere in the middle of this evolution.... Read More