Jumping Timelines, Soul kingdom, Ascension Process
Jumping timelines
Having memories of events and conversations with people that you don’t remember doesn’t always mean that you are confused. It’s possible that you’ve remembered an actual event that happened to another version of yourself on a different timeline and this happens to more people than you think.
Jumping timelines is a shift in our space-time continuum. Think of it as a movie where one scene is played out in different situations at the same time. The environment didn’t change but the interactions with the people around you did. It’s the soul playing with different scenarios to gain the optimal experience viewed from different angles for its own growth and evolution. As a personality – a creation of the soul in physical form – you are unaware of this.
There are countless realities within our physical world with different versions of you all exploring avenues in various ways. The soul wastes nothing and accumulates as much information as possible.
Energies hit the Earth’s surface in waves and can cause people to be more sensitive and open to parallel realities. Time is an illusion, therefore, everything happens simultaneously even when we don’t experience it in this way. Evolving on a soul level also means that more of you will experience and remember different timelines.
The soul kingdom
The Earth is finding balance within duality and when this balance is achieved it will activate a portal for love energies to enter our atmosphere. The love frequencies are reached through expressions of joy, happiness, and understanding. Peace and unity will follow creating a “New Earth”. Fear-based low-frequency energies will continue to exist but no longer dominate.
At the moment the Earth is going through purgatory stages so that she can begin a new cycle with a clean slate. Since humanity resides on the Earth it will go through this phase as well. This period of cleansing will come with a series of natural disasters only this time humanity will not be removed in great numbers. Mankind made great leaps forward in their consciousness evolution and is transitioning out of the lower-self and into the soul-consciousness. When this transition is complete humanity will have entered the next evolutionary phase establishing the soul kingdom on a new earth.
The Ascension process
What is happening on the Earth today will lay the foundation needed for our consciousness’ growth. Other galactic civilizations have already gone through this ascension process and have lost the need for a body.
It’s called the ascension process because you are rising in frequency and vibrating higher so that you can expand your individual consciousness beyond the confinement of a body and therefore become the spiritual being that you are on a physical level. “Heaven” will come to the Earth establishing the soul kingdom. As above so below.
As the Earth incarnates into a New Earth the old version will remain in the astral dimension. Those of you who are no longer bound to the lower-self will help those who remain unaware and attached to the physical consciousness on the “Old Earth”. In the soul kingdom, you’ll be able to move through different frequencies at will experiencing different timelines in a conscious way.
For peace on earth to become a reality there needs to be a balance between the lower and higher-self. All of humanity will enter the soul kingdom.The need for a body will go away and physical manifestations will be optional.Humanity will have a collective consciousness and become one.